Reagan 2004 Bumper Stickers are Here!

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"Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel"

V-ROC Bumper Stickers are here! All stickers are $2.00

To order, please e-mail, and drop a note with your mailing address along with contact info where you may be reached (if you don't want to, that's O.K.) We understand you may not be comfortable sending payment to a total stranger, so to show our good faith, we will mail you one bumper sticker of your choice, and let you send payment when you receive it in the mail. After that, if you wish to order more, we would appreciate payment up front. If you're still a little unsure, please include a phone number. We'll give you a call. V-ROCers are always pleased to engage in conversation. We can run through the latest beltway blather, have a laugh about AlGore (isn't he always good for one?), talk about flat taxes, whatever... Or we can just get right to business and arrange an order for more bumper stickers. Either way, we're there for you. Meanwhile, a proper e-commerce order system will be forthcoming as V-ROC continues to grow. We look forward to hearing from you, fellow V-ROCer!

Bumper Stickers Coming Soon...

"Free Speech is guaranteed. An audience is not."

"America: Strong despite diversity."