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Kyoto: Bad Idea for Greens

This is Business: Treat it That Way

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Referendums: False Choices

Standard Fare
Social Security cannot be "Saved"
Not another example of Media Bias?
"Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel"

Al Gore

If we seem to be focusing on Al Gore (The same Al Gore that the book "Love Story" was based on), we must apologize. It's just that he is the current shoo-in for Liberal Standard Bearer. He is a part of the problem. He's also very annoying, almost comical.

One of the underlying catalysts for V-RoC is, a fundemental belief that this country is on the verge of making a decision...are we going to be a socialist country going forward for the next 100 years? Or, are we going to follow the principles out-lined by the men that pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor?

It's just that [Al Gore] is the current shoo-in for Liberal Standard Bearer...He's also very annoying



...are we going to follow the principles outlined by the men that pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor?